Alabama Lightwave Expands Coverage Area in Brent

Fast, reliable internet in this day and age is growing increasingly important. With many jobs offering more remote opportunities, as well as the now normal online aspects of education from elementary school to college – and while we’re at it, the ever-expanding demand to be online in countless other aspects of daily life for us all – access to quality internet services is something that many need and simply do not have the option for.  

Alabama Lightwave, locally owned and operated by Josh Lambert and assisted by technician Patrick Turner, has been working diligently to expand their coverage area in Brent due to the local demand from residents in the area. As of last week, they now have completed the installation and testing of another service node located near the front of the Choctaw Hills neighborhood. According to their Facebook page, this indicates new coverage for the areas around Henderson Avenue, Robert Avenue, Woodland Avenue, South Street, Highway 5, and Dry Hollow Road.  

Working towards full coverage of Brent, Alabama Lightwave is excited to offer their services of unlimited data, fast speeds, no censorship of content (ever, per their post), 100% local customer support, as well as no throttling.  

Per their Facebook post: “Gaming, streaming, Tiktoking, playing Call of Duty with grandma, etc will all work great. Sign-up here:”.

With plans for further expansion in the works, Alabama Lightwave asks the community to stay tuned. Two more micro repeaters are on the agenda for this region, aiming to enhance coverage in the Maple St. and Timberlane areas of Centreville by eliminating signal dead zones. A new macro site is also in the works, set to extend its coverage to encompass the Bear Creek and South Brent areas. 

To stay up to date on all that Alabama Lightwave currently offers and will be offering our community in the future, be sure to follow them on Facebook.  

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